As a family of six, overwhelmed, can be a feeling I experience on a regular basis. I was at a real breaking point this past weekend as we have three kids in school, and fall schedules are kicking in. I just feel like I'm spinning in circles and fixing my eyes on Jesus can get lost in the, "where are my shoes, she took my toy, what's for dinner, let's look at the calendar, .... How can I choose Jesus and walk in the Spirit rather than react in the flesh when I am hurled mulitple interactions at the same time. The last couple of years have been a journey of abiding and drinking in by the bucket loads God's sweet sweet grace. I've learned about myself that in a split second, the flesh can be chosen because it feels right in my tainted perspective. If I'm not listened to, understood, or respected, that split second is all the more in need of Jesus and His perspective. I'm a work in progress and there are plenty of moments I fail and fall short of what I desire my heart response to be. Instead of letting it spoil the rest of the day, I am learning to fall into God's sweet grace & lavish in His presence. I read a book a few years back called practicing His presence. Walking through each moment in the presence of God and abiding in His love.
My heart was stirred this week when reading the story in Exodus 17. The people of God are angry because they are thirsty. They rise up against Moses and he cries out to God out of fear for his life. In great Old Testament form, God reveals Himself mightily through an event only to be followed up by another trial. Moses hits a rock & out bust forth crystal clear water to provide for their thirst. Shortly after, they are attacked by Amalekites. Joshua takes choice men out to fight & Moses goes to the top of the hill & holds the staff of God in his hands. Here is the rest of the story:
So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.
Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the name of Amalek from under heaven.”
Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner. He said, “Because hands were lifted up against the throne of the LORD, the LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.”
This passage struck right to my core. When Moses got tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. How many of us can say we get tired of fighting the good fight. If we are being honest, we get weary & He says "come to me & I will give you rest." My application of this was to picture and pray over our home to our Jehovah Nissi - The Lord is our Banner. In Song of Solomon, the lovers describe their love with a picture of it flying over them as a banner. In Isaiah it says the Root of Jesse (Jesus) will be a banner for all peoples. The banner over us is Jesus and Jesus is love. As you drive down the road and see all sorts of flags flying, picture the banner over you is Christ & His love for you.
Alongside picturing Jesus as our family's banner - I want to wash our hearts with the water of His word each day(Eph. 5). Simply for myself - having notecards with scripture in various spots throughout my day to trigger my heart towards Christ. With our kids, we talk with them along the way (Deut 11) .... One practical way I saw this played out this week - Ryan has been listening to an old mp3 player w/ worship music as he practices juggling the soccer ball. He loves that he has an ipod to listen to. Completely unexpected as a result of him listening to it, he comes in that night quoting John and then later was found on his bed looking up verses in his Bible. It encouraged me so much how he was impacted by wrapping truth around His heart during his day. He wasn't forced but rather by engaging His heart with truth, the Spirit of God stirred within Him a desire to understand something or should I say Someone more. Praise Jesus!
One extra fun idea I got by email this week was for Scripture sandwich wrappers. I think you could also just print off strips of paper w/ fun messages to your kids encouraging them or saying way to go.
Here is a peek into our lunchbox this morning:
One day last year I had a thought after repeated cries for what I affectionately call junk cereal - "you're only a kid once!" So we instituted Fun Friday Cereal Day. I buy all different types of sugar cereal - cocoa puffs, lucky charms, fruit loops, get the idea & they can have them Friday morning. They have a blast & look forward to each Friday to choose their cereal. This year, I took it a step further & wanted to add Fun Friday Lunches. I attempt to pack healthy lunches for the kids each day. Although, most days you will find me flying around the kitchen scouring to see what I can toss in a sack. I wasn't sure how this would look on Fridays - but was inspired by a sale on Izze & Hansen sodas. I pack a fun drink (they usually have water bottles the rest of the week), yummy chips, extra special treat, a fruit they usually just have at home (today was nectarines), & a main entree (sandwich, soup, or today it was pb crackers b/c I need to go to the store). :)
My heart today to encourage any one who may read this is to delight in the Lord today. Even if it's a day that feels like *&%^@#$ as of 9am this morning - take a quiet moment to talk to your sweet Father in heaven about where you are at. Thank Him for Jesus & sending Him to cover all the *&%$#^ days/moments we have. Ask Him for victory in the name of Jesus & ask the Spirit of God to be stirred in you in those split second moment to choose Him & not your flesh. Do not feel condemned, weighed down - God does not have a Spirit of condemnation...but of love!! Even if simply - ask Him to reveal Himself, even in a small way, to you along today's journey. Ask Him for His eyes to see with His perspective.
If your day is in need of a restart moment, TAKE IT!!! Restart button pressed. By the sweet grace of Jesus - go have a yummy fall coffee/tea & ask the now what question of where the day should go. Sometimes I find myself in the kitchen just praying and holding my tongue from barking at the people in my house asking Him to show me His way in that moment & that I literally can't move from that spot w/out him showing me. He always does!! It's not always with trumpets or a loud - Go this way...but maybe with a child who asks a sweet question or gives me a hug or my husband walks in the door :) It looks different every time. Sometimes as I wait - I blare a song that ministers to me and bring a sacrifice of praise that helps me feel like I can breathe again.
See His Love for you in the Simple Today!
Photo credits: The photos w/ hearts are from various blogs w/ topics on love.
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