Layer one of love....
wait for it....more layers of love.... (included in the pile - a new bear named Jacob sent from Honey that has not left Jacob's arms since he received it...until now)
and a banner of love over the room to express their heart for their sister!
Thank you, dear kids, for reflecting Jesus to each other in the midst of a difficult week. You brought great encouragment to your mom & dad. It reminded me this morning of the first chapter of 2 Corinthians, particulary verses 3-4:
"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."
Just wanted to give a large thank you to the banner of love we had over us as we waited for answers and healing for Jacob this last week. The meals, notes, calls, texts, gifts, Scriptures, prayers, .... we felt God so near in the midst of the unknown. Sending hugs to each of you & pray this day you experience His deep love for you!!
On a fun celebratory side note - We spent lunch yesterday, having hamburgers from Jack in the Box, sodas & curly fries to celebrate the warm sunshine outside & a healthy crew. This gave way later that night to consuming the final remains of the wonderful meals delivered to our home this week. But what leftover night/celebration day would be complete without a 80s dance party. With Pandora in the speakers - we danced our way through the preparation of dinner to the sounds of the 80s Cardio radio station (I highly recommend). Good times! Thank you, LORD, for dancing feet!!! :)